A while back I got the. NET framework to run a program in Wine. These notes may be slightly out of date, so feel free to update them with your experience.
A better way to support. NET programs would be to integrate with Mono. This could be done by creating a wine version of mscoree.dll.
Anyway, here's some notes on what I did:
Notes on getting the. NET framework to install.
Install DCOM95, IE6.
Winver=win2k, msi,msiexec=b, install netfx.msi
Add the following key:
[Software\\Microsoft\\.NETFramework] 1101351980
"Install Root?"="C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\"
Move some files round:
move files in Win/* to Windows/*
cd Windows / Microsoft?.NET/Framework/
mkdir v1.1.4322
cp -R Framework / URT Install Path?/* v1.1.4322/
wine .cxoffice/dotwine/fake_windows/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v1.1.4322/RegAsm.exe c:\\Windows\\System\\mscoree.dll
Manually added the following key to the registry:
[Software\\Classes\\CLSID\\{E5CB7A31–7512–11D2–89CE-0080C792E5D8}\\InprocServer32] 1101368247
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