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Перевод Installing Maia Mailguard

Установка Maia Mailguard

1. Если необходимо, создайте пользователя и группу, под которыми amavisd будет запускаться

The amavisd-maia process should be running under its own userid and group, as specified in your /etc/amavisd.conf file as:

$daemon_user = 'amavis';
$daemon_group = 'amavis';

Throughout this documentation we'll be assuming the username you're using for this purpose is amavis, and the group name is amavis; substitute your own values if you've chosen something different.

If you haven't already created this user and group, do so now, making sure to set a password for this user:

[root]# useradd amavis
[root]# passwd amavis
[root]# groupadd amavis

2. Create a new database for Maia Mailguard

Maia Mailguard supports a number of SQL databases. The documentation may refer in places to My SQL?, since this is a common database, but bear in mind that you should be able to get Maia Mailguard working with Postgre SQL? as well.

To create a new database with My SQL?, type the following (you can omit the “-p” if your My SQL? installation allows root to login without a password, but really, you should always have a password, especially for root!):

[root]# mysql -u root -p mysql

mysql> CREATE DATABASE maia;

The procedure for creating a database will vary from one database to another; consult your database documentation to find the right way to do this for your database.

To create and stock the necessary database tables, use the definitions in the maia-mysql.sql file, i.e.:

[root]# mysql -u root -p maia < maia-mysql.sql

The SQL syntax in this file is designed for My SQL?, and may need to be modified slightly to accommodate other databases (e.g. your database may have different keywords for unsigned or auto_increment). The maia-pgsql.sql file contains the table definitions for use with Postgre SQL?, for example.

Now you need to give the amavis user limited access to this database (in place of passwd be sure to use the password you set for the amavis user):

[root]# mysql -u root -p maia


Again, how you grant privileges to a database user will vary from package to package. Consult your database documentation for more specific details.

If you're using My SQL?, you'll also need to add (or increase) the max_allowed_packet setting in your my.cnf file. This setting determines the size of the largest mail item you'll be able to process with Maia, so make sure to set this value large enough to accommodate your needs. (You'll be able to tell Maia later on what to do with mail larger than this.) Note that in My SQL? version prior to 4.0.1, the maximum packet size is 16M; later versions can accept packets as large as 1G.

My SQL? versions prior to 4.0.2:
set-variable = max_allowed_packet=5M

My SQL? 4.0.2 or later:

3. Install the Maintenance Scripts and Templates

Maia Mailguard comes with a collection of Perl scripts in the scripts subdirectory. Install these files in a place that your web server can't access (i.e. outside of your document root), so that they can't be triggered by web visitors. A good place for these is in a subdirectory of your amavisd directory, e.g. /var/amavisd/maia. Create two subdirectories there, one for scripts, the other for templates:

[root]# mkdir /var/amavisd/maia
[root]# mkdir /var/amavisd/maia/scripts
[root]# mkdir /var/amavisd/maia/templates

Now copy the contents of Maia's scripts subdirectory into /var/amavisd/maia/scripts, and put the contents of the templates subdirectory into /var/amavisd/maia/templates.

Set the ownership of all of these files to the amavis user and group, and tighten up the permissions on these files so that they're accessible only to the amavis user:

[root]# chown -R amavis /var/amavisd/maia
[root]# chgrp -R amavis /var/amavisd/maia
[root]# chmod 640 /var/amavisd/maia/templates/*.tpl
[root]# chmod 750 /var/amavisd/maia/scripts/*.pl

Before any of the supplied scripts can be used, you need to copy the maia.conf.dist file to /etc/maia.conf and edit it to provide some basic information about how to connect to your database, and how the scripts themselves should behave. By storing this information in the /etc/maia.conf file, you won't need to supply that information as command-line arguments when you run the scripts themselves.

[root]# cp maia.conf.dist /etc/maia.conf
[root]# chown amavis /etc/maia.conf
[root]# chgrp amavis /etc/maia.conf
[root]# chmod 640 /etc/maia.conf

The most important settings in the /etc/maia.conf file are the ones that determine how the scripts should connect to your Maia database.

For My SQL?:

# Configure your Maia database DSN here
$dsn = "DBI:mysql:maia:localhost:3306";

# Your Maia database user's login name
$username = “amavis”;

# Your Maia database user's password
$password = “passwd”;

For Postgre SQL?:

# Configure your Maia database DSN here
$dsn = "DBI:Pg:dbname=maia;host=localhost;port=5432";

# Your Maia database user's login name
$username = “amavis”;

# Your Maia database user's password
$password = “passwd”;

You'll also want to tell Maia where you installed the maintenance scripts:

# The directory where Maia's Perl scripts can be found.
$script_dir = «/var/amavisd/maia/scripts»;

That's all you need to configure for now; you can read the separate documentation for the maintenance scripts later, before you use them.
4. Test your amavisd-maia and Spam Assassin? configuration

Spam Assassin? and amavisd-maia both rely on a number of Perl modules and system utilities to function properly. Before going any further, you can use the configtest.pl script to verify that you have all of the necessary modules and utilities installed, and that their versions are new enough to be useful. You'll want to run this script on all of the machines where you run Spam Assassin? and amavisd-maia.

If the script tells you that you need to upgrade or install a Perl module or utility, do so now, and then re-run the script to make sure. The output should look something like this:


This script checks for the presence of applications and Perl modules
required by amavisd-maia, Spam Assassin?, and Maia Mailguard's maintenance
scripts. Version numbers are also checked, and if a newer version of
a component is recommended, you should consider upgrading to at least
the minimum recommended version.

If you have already configured your Maia Mailguard database, the script
will also test the connection to that database.

Remember also to run the configtest.php script on your web server to
perform similar tests of your web, PHP, and PEAR environment.

Application / Module? Version Status

========================================================== Perl : 5.8.3 : OK
file(1) : 4.16 : OK
Archive::Tar : 1.10 : OK
Archive::Zip : 1.16 : OK
Berkeley DB? : 0.26 : OK
Compress::Zlib : 1.41 : OK
Convert::TNEF : 0.17 : OK
Convert::UUlib : 1.06 : OK
Crypt::Blowfish : 2.09 : OK
Crypt::CBC : 2.12 : OK
Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA : 0.22 : OK
Data::UUID : 0.13 : OK
DB_File : 1.810 : OK
DBD::mysql : 3.0002 : OK
DBD::Pg : 1.31 : OK
DBI : 1.50 : OK
Digest::MD5 : 2.33 : OK
Digest::SHA1 : 2.07 : OK
File::Spec : 3.01 : OK
HTML::Parser : 3.35 : OK
HTTP::Date : 1.46 : OK
IO::Stringy : 2.109 : OK
IO::Zlib : 1.03 : OK
IP::Country : 2.20 : OK
LWP::UserAgent : 2.032 : OK
Mail::Address : 1.64 : OK
Mail::DomainKeys : 0.80 : OK
Mail::Internet : 1.64 : OK
Mail::SpamAssassin : 3.1.1 : OK
Mail::SPF::Query : 1.999.1 : OK
MIME::Base64 : 3.05 : OK
MIME::Parser : 5.420 : OK
MIME::QuotedPrint : 3.03 : OK
Net::CIDR::Lite : 0.15 : OK
Net::DNS : 0.57 : OK
Net::Server : 0.93 : OK
Net::SMTP : 2.29 : OK
Pod::Usage : 1.16 : OK
Template : 2.14 : OK
Time::HiRes : 1.61 : OK
Unix::Syslog : 0.99 : OK
URI : 1.31 : OK

Database DSN test : PASSED

If you're looking for a starting point for configuring amavisd, a sample amavisd.conf file is provided with the Maia Mailguard distribution. Similarly, a sample local.cf file is provided for Spam Assassin?.
5. Load your Spam Assassin? rules

Maia Mailguard needs to index all of the Spam Assassin? rules you have installed on your system, so that these rules, their descriptions and scores can be loaded into a database table. To do this, use one of the scripts in the scripts subdirectory called load-sa-rules.pl. Run it with the --debug flag the first time, to make sure it's working properly.

If all goes well, this script will scan your system for *.cf and user_prefs files, reading any rule names, descriptions and scores it finds and storing them in the Maia Mailguard database.

You can safely run this script anytime you add new Spam Assassin? rules or update your Spam Assassin? rule files with new scores. The script will not add the same rule twice, but it will update the score value of a rule that it has seen before. If you use a scheduled job to fetch updated versions of popular Spam Assassin? rule sets, e.g. Rules Du Jour? and/or sa-update, add this script to the end of your update job to make sure the changes are picked up by Maia Mailguard.

If you use the Rules Du Jour? script to automatically update your third-party Spam Assassin? rules for you (highly recommended), you'll want to modify the SA_RESTART setting in the /etc/rulesdujour/config file to ensure that it runs load-sa-rules.pl after it makes any rule changes:

SA_RESTART="/var/amavisd/maia/scripts/load-sa-rules.pl;/etc/init.d/amavisd restart";

If you use the sa-update script to update your core Spam Assassin? rules (also highly recommended), you'll want to chain your commands so that load-sa-rules.pl gets called whenever a rules update takes places:

sa-update && /var/amavisd/maia/scripts/load-sa-rules.pl && /etc/init.d/amavisd restart

6. Install the PHP scripts

Decide where you want to install the PHP scripts. This should be a subdirectory somewhere within your web tree. For this example we'll assume a directory called maia, just off the document root of the web server (i.e. the relative path to the folder would then be /mail, accessible to the outside world as http://www.example.com/maia). Copy the contents of the /php subdirectory of the Maia Mailguard distribution to this folder.

There should be several subdirectories beneath the directory with your PHP scripts. Your directory tree in this example should look something like this:
<document_root>/maia/admin configtest and upgrade scripts
<document_root>/maia/images various global images
<document_root>/maia/libs include path for Smarty
<document_root>/maia/locale language packs go here
<document_root>/maia/overlib a popup library used for toolkits
<document_root>/maia/themes HTML themes

Alternately, if you're packaging Maia Mailguard for redistribution, you may wish to install the PHP scripts in a standard location outside the web document tree, e.g. /usr/local/maia/php or somesuch. If you do so however, you'll also need to make that subdirectory visible to your web server and give it script execution permissions (e.g. a <Directory> entry in your httpd.conf file if you use apache).

The web server user needs to be able to write to the theme directories in order to cache the pages. The best way to ensure that you get the permissions right is to follow these instructions.
7. Install the Smarty Template Engine

Download and install the Smarty template engine. You can install it system-wide (so that other applications on the web server can make use of it as well), or simply for Maia's purposes:

For a system-wide installation:

cp -r {path_to_Smarty_files}/lib {php_include_path}/Smarty

For a Maia-only installation:

cp -r {path_to_Smarty_files}/lib {document_root}/maia/libs/Smarty

8. Configure Maia Mailguard: Database and Authentication

The config.php file contains a few basic configuration settings that must be adjusted for your site before you can configure the rest of Maia Mailguard's settings. In particular, the language defaults, database connection information and user authentication parameters must be hard-coded here.
Language Defaults

$default_display_language is set by default to “en” (English). If you have other language files installed, you can change this setting to the ISO-639 two-letter language code (e.g. en, fr, ja, de, etc.) that corresponds to the language you wish to use. Note that users can override this on an individual basis, selecting from any installed language. This is simply a default to use if no other language has been selected.

$default_charset lets you set the default character set to use, if no other character set has been specified by the user. The default of “ISO-8859–1” is fine for most Western languages.
Database Connection

$maia_sql_dsn is the database connection string that the PEAR::DB functions will use to try to connect to the Maia Mailguard database. The supported database types include:
PEAR::DB Type Database
mysql My SQL?
pgsql Postgre SQL?

The connection string syntax for a TCP-based connection generally looks like this:

$maia_sql_dsn = "dbtype://dbuser:passwd@tcp(hostname:port)/dbname";

In our case, with database type “mysql”, database name “maia” and user “amavis”, a host of “localhost” and the standard My SQL? port (3306), the connection string should end up looking something like this:

$maia_sql_dsn = "mysql://amavis:passwd@tcp(localhost:3306)/maia";

Postgre SQL? example:

$maia_sql_dsn = "pgsql://amavis:passwd@tcp(localhost:5432)/maia";

There are many more variations on the connection string if this doesn't work for you, including options to use Unix sockets instead of TCP, etc.. The syntax reference may help you if you get stuck.
Default Protection Levels

The $protection setting lets you define the default policy settings for each of four protection levels: “off”, “low”, “medium”, and “high”. While users can manually tweak their filter settings if they wish, many users prefer to use administrator-recommended settings instead.

A policy array is a combination of 16 settings (from left to right):
Setting amavisd-new equivalent Value range
Pass viruses through? virus_lover 'Y' or 'N'
Pass spam through? spam_lover 'Y' or 'N'
Pass banned files through? banned_files_lover 'Y' or 'N'
Pass mail with invalid headers through? bad_header_lover 'Y' or 'N'
Disable virus scanning? bypass_virus_checks 'Y' or 'N'
Disable spam checking? bypass_spam_checks 'Y' or 'N'
Disable banned files checking? bypass_banned_checks 'Y' or 'N'
Disable invalid header checking? bypass_header_checks 'Y' or 'N'
Discard viruses? discard_viruses 'Y' or 'N'
Discard spam? discard_spam 'Y' or 'N'
Discard banned files? discard_banned_files 'Y' or 'N'
Discard invalid mail headers? discard_bad_headers 'Y' or 'N'
Add a prefix to spam subjects? spam_modifies_subj 'Y' or 'N'
Add spam score headers when score is >= spam_tag_level -999.9 to 999.9
Consider mail spam when score is >= spam_tag2_level -999.9 to 999.9
Quarantine or discard spam when score is >= spam_kill_level -999.9 to 999.9

The initial defaults for the four protection levels are as follows:

The 'off' level offers no protection at all. All scanning is disabled, so the filter is effectively transparent, letting everything through:

'off' => array ('Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','N','N','N','N','999','999','999'),

At the 'low' protection setting, only virus scanning is performed:

'low' => array ('N','Y','Y','Y','N','Y','Y','Y','N','N','N','N','N','999','999','999'),

The 'medium' protection setting adds spam scoring headers to the mail when it scores 5.0 or higher, but does not quarantine or discard it. Banned file attachments and mail with invalid headers are passed through:

'medium' => array ('N','N','Y','Y','N','N','Y','Y','N','N','N','N','Y','5','999','999'),

The 'high' protection setting adds spam scoring headers to the mail when it scores 1.0 or higher, and quarantines spam that scores 5.0 or higher, along with viruses, banned file attachments, and mail with invalid headers:

'high' => array ('N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','N','1','5','5')

These defaults, of course, are just suggestions. Feel free to interpret 'low', 'medium', and 'high' in whatever way makes sense for your organization, and adjust the settings to match.

$auth_method determines which authentication method Maia Mailguard uses to verify the login credentials of its users. The currently available options are:
$auth_method Server Type
pop3 POP3 server
imap IMAP server
ldap LDAP server
exchange Microsoft Exchange Server (experimental)
sql SQL database server
internal Internal SQL
external External script or application

$address_rewriting_type and $routing_domain allow you to compensate for any rewriting that your upstream mail server performs on e-mail addresses. To learn more about this issue and how to configure these settings (if necessary), see Virtual Hosts, Aliases, and E-mail Addresses.
Authenticating with a POP3 server

POP3 support is provided by the PEAR::Net_POP3 module. If you need SSL support, set $auth_pop3_port to 995 and prefix "ssl://" to $auth_pop3_host.
Authenticating with an IMAP server

IMAP support is provided by the PEAR::Net_IMAP module. If you need SSL support, set $auth_imap_port to 993 and prefix "ssl://" to $auth_imap_host.
Authenticating with an LDAP server

LDAP authentication is provided by client libraries from the Open LDAP? project, or the University of Michigan's ldap-3.3 package. One of these must be downloaded, compiled, and installed, and PHP must be rebuilt with the --with-ldap=/path/to/ldap flag.

$auth_ldap_server is the hostname or IP address of the LDAP server you want to authenticate with.

$auth_ldap_password is the password your LDAP server requires in order to answer queries. This is not the password of the user you want to authenticate.

$auth_ldap_query is the LDAP authentication query. The %%USER%% placeholder will be replaced with the username of the user to be authenticated.

$auth_ldap_bind_dn is the LDAP distinguished name for binding purposes, typically your organization's name and domain name.

$auth_ldap_base_dn is the base LDAP distinguished name, typically your domain name.

$auth_ldap_attribute is the name of the query attribute that will return the e-mail address associated with the user's LDAP account.
Authenticating with a Microsoft Exchange Server

Modern versions of Exchange Server are IMAP-compliant, and should work fine using IMAP authentication, except that an additional “NT Domain” parameter may be required. See the IMAP section above for more information about available option flags.

$auth_exchange_nt_domain is the default NT domain to use, if the user leaves the domain field empty.

$auth_exchange_only_one_domain can be set to true if all of your users are part of the same NT domain. If this is the case, there's no need to prompt for a domain, the value in $auth_exchange_nt_domain will always be used.

$auth_exchange_params is essentially an IMAP connection string (see the IMAP section above), but two additional flags are available as placeholders:
Flag Meaning
/ user-supplied NT domain, or $auth_exchange_nt_domain
/ Username
Authentication with an SQL database server

SQL authentication uses the Pear::DB library to look up a username and password against a database table, to return an e-mail address for the user, if successful. The password may be stored in plain text, or hashed via crypt() or MD5.

$auth_sql_dsn is the database connection string to be used to access the authentication database. This may be a different database from the one Maia Mailguard uses, however the connection string follows the same format.

$auth_sql_table is the name of the table that contains the user's authentication information.

$auth_sql_username_column is the name of the column that contains the user's username.

$auth_sql_password_column is the name of the column that contains the user's password.

$auth_sql_email_column is the name of the column that contains the user's e-mail address.

$auth_sql_password_type indicates the way the user's password is encrypted in the database:
$auth_sql_password_type Encryption Type
plaintext No encryption
md5 MD5 hash
crypt crypt() hash
Authenticating with Maia's Internal SQL Database

If you want Maia Mailguard to handle its own user database, rather than authenticate against an external source, select the internal method. With this method, Maia stores usernames and passwords in its own database.

When new accounts are created, Maia automatically sends the new user an e-mail containing a temporary username and password, which she can change once she logs in (and at any time thereafter).

This authentication method is handy for situations where the other external authentication methods would be impractical, such as hosting mail filtering services for other companies downstream, where there would otherwise be many different sources to authenticate against.
Authenticating against an External Mechanism

If you have an external application you'd prefer to use to authenticate Maia users, you can specify it via the $auth_external setting. This application should accept a username and password on the command line, and return 0 if the login succeeds.
9. Test your PHP and database configuration

At this point, you'll want to verify that your web server has its PHP correctly compiled, all the necessary PEAR modules installed, and the database DSN correctly configured in config.php. You can do this by loading the admin/configtest.php page in your browser.

This script will verify that the prerequisites are properly installed on your web server, and that PHP scripts can successfully communicate with your database server. It will point out any missing components or outdated version numbers and offer some advice for fixing the problem. Fix any problems that get highlighted at this stage and reload the script to verify that they've been properly fixed before proceeding.
10. Install amavisd-maia

The amavisd-maia file in the Maia Mailguard distribution is a specially-patched version of amavisd-new 2.2.1. If you have used a previous version of Maia Mailguard, you will be pleased to note that patching is no longer required. The patch itself (amavisd-maia.patch) for amavisd-new 2.2.1 is still provided in this distribution, but only for reference purposes.

Install the amavisd-maia file wherever you'd typically install system binaries (e.g. /usr/sbin, /usr/local/sbin, etc.):

[root]# cp amavisd-maia /usr/local/sbin/
[root]# chown root /usr/local/sbin/amavisd-maia
[root]# chmod 755 /usr/local/sbin/amavisd-maia

You may also wish to create a symbolic link to this file, so that any existing scripts looking for 'amavisd' can find it properly:

[root]# ln -s /usr/local/sbin/amavisd-maia /usr/local/sbin/amavisd

11. Generate your site's encryption key (optional)

Maia Mailguard can use strong encryption to protect the contents of the e-mail that it quarantines/caches, as a safeguard against prying eyes with database access. It uses the Blowfish algorithm with a 56-byte (448-bit) key, and chained-block cipher (CBC) mode to do two-way encryption of stored mail. This encryption is completely transparent to the users, and does not require them to install any special software. All encrypting and decrypting is done by Maia Mailguard.

To take advantage of this encryption feature, you first need to generate a random key for your site. The generate-key.pl script can do this for you, just redirect its output to a file:

[root]# generate-key.pl > /var/amavisd/blowfish.key

Put the key file in your amavisd directory, and be sure to keep another copy of it in a safe place, preferably on another machine offsite, and/or a backup disk/CD. If you suffer a disk crash and lose your key file, you'll need this backup to be able to recover the encrypted contents of your Maia database.

You'll also need to copy this key file to your web server, so that Maia can use it to properly decrypt the stored mail. You can put it anywhere you like on the web server, as long as you tell Maia where it is (using the System Configuration page).

You can safely enable encryption at any time, even after you've already got mail in your database. Maia is smart enough to detect encrypted vs. unencrypted mail, so if your database contains a mixture of both types, it won't cause any problems.
12. Configure amavisd-maia

Install the amavisd.conf file from the Maia Mailguard distribution into /etc, and edit this file to configure it for your installation, paying special attention to the following particulars:

You'll probably want to turn up debugging output as much as possible to make sure everything is working the way it should:

$log_level = 5;

With quarantine management, you can safely set the final destiny of viruses and spam to D_DISCARD, since in a manner of speaking these items are being “delivered” to a place where the recipients can review them (and recover them if desired). This avoids sending out a lot of noisy Delivery Status Notifications (DSNs), most of which bounce anyway (and create still more noise).

$final_virus_destiny = D_DISCARD;
$final_spam_destiny = D_DISCARD;
$warnvirussender = 0;
$warnspamsender = 0;

You should also take a look at the other $final_*_destiny settings. Keep in mind that if you specify D_PASS as the final destiny for a type of mail, you effectively render per-user settings in Maia Mailguard useless for that type of item. For instance, if you set $final_bad_header_destiny = D_PASS (the default setting), there's no point in offering users the ability to be a $bad_header_lover or to $bypass_header_checks, since these will not override D_PASS. To make these settings meaningful and give users control over these things, choose any other final destiny (e.g. D_BOUNCE, D_DISCARD, or D_REJECT).

The $QUARANTINEDIR setting is irrelevant to this version of Maia Mailguard, since quarantining now takes place entirely within the database, and not on the filesystem. Similarly, you can ignore the values of $virus_quarantine_method, $spam_quarantine_method, $virus_quarantine_to, and $spam_quarantine_to, since amavisd-maia does not use these values.

Specify the information amavisd needs in order to connect to the database (where passwd is the amavis user's password):

@lookup_sql_dsn = ( ['DBI:mysql:maia:localhost', 'amavis', 'passwd'] );

Leave the $sql_select_policy and $sql_select_white_black_list variables commented out, since Maia takes care of these for you. Similarly, you probably want to comment out the $whitelist_sender_* and $blacklist_sender_* variables, since Maia uses a database table to store this information.

If you want to include support for Blowfish encryption of quarantined/cached e-mail, you'll have to add a new $key_file setting to amavisd.conf to tell it where to find your key file:

# Blowfish encryption key file (optional)
$key_file = "$MYHOME/blowfish.key";

The @local_domains_acl, %local_domains, and $local_domains_re settings are observed as usual, but these are not strictly necessary with Maia Mailguard, since you can add domains to Maia using the administration interface, which effectively causes such domains to be treated as “local” for amavisd's purposes. You will want to do this for all of the domains you process mail for, even if those domains are downstream from your server.
13. (Re)start amavisd-maia

In case there's already an amavisd process running, you can make sure it's stopped and the new version started by typing:

[root]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/amavisd restart
or [root]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/amavisd stop
[root]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/amavisd start

Now amavisd should be connecting to your new database to look up user settings and whitelist/blacklist configurations, as well as logging quarantined items to the database. Check the amavisd logs to make sure of this. If you see errors in the logs about failures to connect to the database, double-check the @lookup_sql_dsn line in your /etc/amavisd.conf file.

If everything looks good in the log files, you can turn the $log_level back down to something less noisy (e.g. 0, 1, or 2). Reload (or restart) amavisd again to make this change take effect. Set up the init scripts as needed to run this at startup.
14. Login and become the super-administrator

Since in our example we installed the Maia Mailguard scripts in /maia relative to the document root of our web server, the scripts themselves should now be accessible at:


This is where you (and your users) will go most of the time to login to Maia Mailguard. This first time, however, you'll want to do something different in order to register yourself as the Maia Mailguard super-administrator. Do this by going to:


You'll be presented to the login page as usual, but if you login successfully and no other user in the database currently has super- administrator privileges, you'll be assigned these privileges. You only have to do this once; after that, you can login just like any other user, and your super-administrator privileges will be granted to you automatically.

NOTE: If you selected the internal authentication method, you'll need to get yourself a temporary username and password to login with. You can get this by visiting the internal-init.php page. This script will only run if there's no super-administrator defined yet:


The internal-init.php script will create an account for you, and you should received an e-mail from Maia that contains your temporary login credentials. Use these at this stage to login, and change them from your Settings Page.

As super-administrator, you have all the privileges of administrators (e.g. “impersonating” other users, and deleting users), but also the ability to grant administrator privileges to others (and revoke them, if desired). Maia Mailguard only allows one super-administrator account, but there can be as many administrators as the super-administrator wants. The super-administrator cannot be deleted, and cannot have his privileges revoked by anyone else. Should the super-administrator ever wish to give up his privileges, he has to do so by logging in at:


NOTE: after a super-administrator “unregisters” himself, the system effectively has no super-administrator, so the next user to login with the ?super=register argument will become the super-administrator. My suggestion, then, is to ensure that super-administrator privileges are handed off to someone else quicklyhave the current super-administrator “unregister” only when the new candidate is ready to “register”.
15. Configure Maia Mailguard: System Configuration

Now that you've logged in successfully as the super-administrator, you can finish configuring Maia Mailguard by going to the [Admin] link on the toolbar (the “key” icon in the default theme). The System Configuration link from there is where you'll find the rest of the system-wide settings you'll want to adjust before Maia Mailguard “goes live”. The help file in the Administration Menu provides more detailed explanations of all the configuration options available to you there.
16. Install any additional language packs

Maia Mailguard ships with an English language pack pre-installed, but other languages and character sets are supported as well. These language packs no longer ship with the distribution, however they will be made available for download individually here as soon as they become available.

Note that translations are all based on the English language versions, and are contributed by members of the user community on a volunteer basis. As such, Renaissoft can make no guarantees regarding the accuracy or the completeness of a given non-English translation. We certainly appreciate the efforts of these volunteer translators, and credit for their work is incorporated into each of their language packs. If you would like to contribute a translation, please contact Robert Le Blanc? for more details.
17. Customise the help page

A stock help page for end-users is provided in the help.php file, which describes the various settings and their implications, as well as how the whitelist/blacklist settings work. If you wish to modify this file to add some site-specific information, extra tips, etc., this is the time and place to do it.

The text of the document itself can be found in the “localized” version of the help file (e.g. the English version is in ./locale/en/help.php). You can edit the text there if you have minor changes to make, but if you have major changes in mind, you can completely replace the help page itself without breaking anything.
18. Customise the e-mail templates

If you want to enable the sending of e-mail reminders to users when their quarantines/caches start to get large, you may also want to edit the reminder.tpl file or create your own new template, using some of these placeholders:
Placeholder Expands To
Number of viruses in quarantine
Number of suspected spam items in quarantine
Number of items with banned file attachments in quarantine
Number of items with invalid mail headers in quarantine
Total size of all viruses in quarantine
Total size of all suspected spam items in quarantine
Total size of all items with banned file attachments in quarantine
Total size of all items with invalid mail headers in quarantine
URL users should visit to login to Maia Mailguard
E-mail address of the mail administrator
Number of days items are allowed to live in quarantine
Number of days before the oldest quarantined item is deleted
Age (in days) of the oldest item in quarantine

If you're using the internal authentication method, you'll also want to configure the newuser.tpl template, which Maia sends to new users when their accounts are created.

The newuser.tpl template is used to send a new user his temporary login credentials, and supports the following placeholders:
Placeholder Expands To
The new user's temporary login name
The new user's temporary password
URL users should visit to login to Maia Mailguard
E-mail address of the mail administrator
19. Schedule the maintenance scripts

You'll want to schedule some of the provided maintenance scripts to run at regular intervals to do things like learn from (and optionally report) confirmed spam, as well as expiring old items from the quarantine and the ham cache, and sending e-mail reminders to users whose quarantines/caches are overflowing.

It's important to note that these scripts must be run by the amavis user, due to the security precautions we took earlier, so these scheduled jobs should be added to the amavis user's crontab, and not root's.

process-quarantine.pl should be run about once per hour, to train your Bayes database and report any spam your users have confirmed.

stats-snapshot.pl should be run at the beginning of every hour, to take a snapshot of your stats table and update certain counters that are used to generate graphical charts.

expire-quarantine-cache.pl should be run once per day, to expire unconfirmed spam and cached ham that has exceeded your specified age threshold.

send-quarantine-reminders.pl should be run once per week or so, to remind neglectful users to check their quarantines and ham caches if they exceed your size or item count threshold.

send-quarantine-digests.pl should be run once every 5 or 10 minutes, to check to see whether any users have requested e-mail digests of their quarantine contents. The more often you run this script, the more granularity you offer your users (e.g. running the script every minute offers a scheduling resolution of one minute, etc.), but at the cost of keeping the server busier.
20. Delete the admin subdirectory

The PHP scripts installed earlier included a number of administration scripts in the admin subdirectory. Once you've got Maia Mailguard up and running properly, you no longer need these scripts, and should delete that subdirectory and its contents as a security precaution, so that web visitors cannot access those scripts.
21. Join the Maia-Users mailing list

Support for Maia Mailguard is handled on the Maia-Users mailing list. That's where you can get your questions answered and find out about any known bugs in the current release, along with workarounds and patches. If you don't want to subscribe to the list, there are archives available as well, but if you want to post to the list you have to subscribe first.
22. Educate your users

Maia Mailguard quarantine management features offer users some control over how their mail gets scanned and/or filtered. However, Maia Mailguard only offers these features to users who have logged in (and therefore registered themselves in the database), so it's important that you inform your users about the new system you've installed, and how to use it. Point your users to:


(or whatever base URL you chose to install Maia Mailguard scripts at), and encourage them to contact you with any questions they may have.
23. Contribute to the project

The Maia Mailguard project, like many free and open source projects, is the work of volunteers who contribute their time and effort to produce something that others can benefit from. Without the contributions of volunteer programmers, testers, financial sponsors, and license purchasers, a project like this could never survive, much less evolve.

Volunteer to help with the coding of new features and bug fixes, if you have some skill with PHP, Perl, and SQL. There's always room for more chefs in this kitchen, and if you've got a particular feature in mind, perhaps you'd like to develop it and contribute the patches back to the project. Subscribe to the Maia-Devel mailing list to share your ideas, patches, etc.

Provide feedback in terms of bug reports, feature requests, and general comments about the project. This kind of feedback helps drive the project and focus its direction. Don't just point out the things you don't like, thoughit's equally important that we hear about what you do like about Maia Mailguard.

Donate to the project, using the Pay Pal?? button at the bottom of this page. I'm not a rich man, and the money I receive from donors like you buys me time to spend working on Maia Mailguard, when I would otherwise be forced to focus on other paying work.

Buy a Rebranding License to help support the project and give your business the right to embed Maia Mailguard into its own web application. License purchases also get you a receipt for expense purposes.

Sponsor the project, in return for advertising and goodwill, by making regular financial contributions.

Spread the word about the project, add your own testimonial, or add yourself to the list of Maia users and/or the list of service providers using Maia.
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